Hi — My name is Paige Glatved Hermansen and i live in Albertslund with my partner. I'm a graphic designer and illustrator.
My design process is characterised by looking at what makes something unique, and tell a story that the user can reflect on. Design is nothing without the user; by not taking into consideration who the user is as a person you can't achieve well thought out design. By being collaborative, creative and empathetic, its possible to design things that not only meet the goals, but also exceed them.
My education and past experience have given me a solid understanding and ability on how to best communicate complex ideas in a visual way. While i have interest in everything regarding graphic design and art, my main interest lies in typography, layout/UI, visual identity, and photo-editing. Being able to condense a ton of information, to something that is intuitive and easy to understand, really makes my day, and developing a visual language, that can be flexible while being instantly recognizable and just clicks, fascinates me.
I also volunteer at Center for Voldsforebyggelse. Here i have been employed to develop their brand and how they best can communicate gender based violence prevention techniques and knowledge to a broader public.
If you would like to talk, you can contact me on my email up in the righthand corner of the screen or below – You can also check out my Instagram where I post my personal art.